Pediatric speech, language and feeding therapy

Building confidence in our future generation to make their voices heard.
Feeding is our jam.
Our clinical staff have years of experience treating children with varying degrees of feeding skills. Throughout the years we have invested in high-level training opportunities led by experts to help hone our craft. AEIOU is one of those opportunities.
Areas of Specialty
Difficulty with producing clear speech sounds may present as utilizing a sound in place of another, having difficulty planning and executing speech sounds, leaving out sounds, and generally having a hard time being understood by others.
Expressive Language
The ability to generate age-appropriate phrase and sentence-level utterances may be hindered by producing errors in grammar, use of gestures, asking questions, or learning songs and rhymes.
Receptive Language
Difficulties in the area of receptive language present as challenges in understanding communication (spoken, gesture or otherwise).
Stuttering is characterized by interruptions in the flow of spoken utterances. These interruptions may be perceived as atypical rate and rhythm. An individual may also produce repetitions of sounds, syllables within words, and phrases.
A child with a feeding disorder may present with a limited diet, refusal to try new foods, and, in some cases, concerns regarding their physical growth.
Early Intervention
Early intervention is therapy that is designed for children birth to three years of age and targets play skills, early development of speech and language and social communication.